
Thursday 5 May 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 05

Day 05- A few picture of somewhere you’ve been to.

Well I guess the last place I went to was Essaouira, Morocco.
Well lets just put it like this, 2 weeks in a country full of people who speak french when we don't, plus in a town in the middle of nowhere...equals interesting times :)

And me looking like a right cool kid

Yousef teaching me how to put on a turban.

Camal riding!!! Epic times!!!

The flood of colour from the tapestries is wonderful isn't it? ^__^

The market place in town.

This little Chameleon got more and more camera shy the longer we stayed. Aw bless.

A dog walking a dog. Can you see the lead attaching them both together?

Day 05 - انتهى

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