
Monday 2 May 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 02

Day 02- A picture of something you cannot live without.

There are plenty of things I feel I can’t live without, for example without my iPod, I’d never get up in the morning, without the internet I’d feel very isolated and without my manga and anime I’d feel incredibly bored. Then, without family and friends I’d have no one to rely on. But if I had to choose just one thing, I’m afraid this little fur-ball wins hands down.
We got her- or rather she found us back when I was still in primary school. We just happened to be having a barbeque sometime in the summer and this little munchkin literally appeared out of nowhere; creeping gingerly out from the bushes. At first glance, one might thing she was just one of the neighbour’s cats wandering further than usual in the hope of extra human food rather than the low quality canned food she usually gets. But on proper inspection, it was obvious she was a stray and that she wasn’t all that skilled at hunting becauseyou could see that her bone structure was clearly visible through her fur. While we were packing up she occupied herself with catching and eating the various larger bugs crawling about on the ground. 
Once everyone else had gone inside, I just sat on my brother’s skateboard, plate of leftover chicken and beef in hand and waited. After a couple of hours of gently tossing bits of meat at her feet I gradually managed to close the gap between her and myself. 
Eventually I had earned her trust enough to stroke her.
For the next couple of days we left a bowl of milk outside for her, which was enough to make her stick around. Did you know that not all the Jews from concentration camps died in the gas chambers and from over-work and malnutrition? Some of the ‘survivors’ died afterwards because of overfeeding. Their staved bodies couldn’t handle the high quality food the Americans were giving them and their bodies, not being used to it anymore, shut down from the foods it could no longer process. 
Anyway we had no idea if the same thing would happen to this starving kitty but we weren’t going to take the risk. After we took her to the vets for a general check-up we found that she was actually in better condition than we originally thought; apart from her obvious malnutrition she was perfectly healthy. We checked to see if she had a chip with the information of her previous owner, she didn’t, so we had our own put in. And lastly we found that she was a girl of about 2 years old; we had previously thought that maybe she was the neighbour’s cat Timmy. Home again, my brother came up with the name of Shimmer, since her black fur literally shimmers in the sun.
These days she’s settled in nicely. She insists on having nothing of lower quality than Whiskas cat pouches, her now spoilt attitude ensures that she only eats food after its just come out of the packet; if it hasn’t, then she will sit in front of her food bowl meowing before giving the nearest person the look of ‘if you think I’m eating this OLD food, then you have another thing coming, you silly human’. Once she found that my pillow is the best place to sleep, she has no qualms in laying on it in such a way that she pushes my head off my own pillow. She also claims that her washes are most effective, so even if we’ve just showered she WILL wash her ‘kittens’ (ie. us). She has her annoying habits but I’m just glad she’s happy these days, because I can honestly say that these days, home wouldn’t be home without her there too.
[How easy is it to tell i got REALLY bored with the shade black in this blog ;)]
Day 2 – Finita

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