
Sunday 1 May 2011

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 01

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Okay I’m totally behind everyone else who’s doing this 30 day blog challenge, but I only just found out about it so I’ve decided to do it in May instead (I may do an extra blog since it’s a 31 day month but we’ll see.)
Anyhow, today’s prompt for the blog: A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.
  1. I have a scar on my right arm from about 10 years ago when I was trying to stoke a horse but scraped my arm along the barbed wire accidently instead.
  2. I love writing romantic stories about ‘true love’ despite not believing in the idea.
  3. I think it would be an interesting development if I turn out to actually be considered clinically insane at some point in the future.
  4. I have definite trust issues.
  5. I want to officially change my name to Rachael Louisa Alice Bowden.
  6. I have given up almost all hope on men.
  7. I believe Karma is personally out to get me.
  8. My memory is a sieve.
  9. I try my best to substitute swear words for random and sometimes made-up words (ie. ‘fishcake’, ‘bumcheese’ and ‘monkeycheese’) in order to avoid offense and hopefully bring a smile instead.
  10. I get my spontaneity from my family it seems, as we once drove to France just to have some lunch there.
  11. Thanks to my brother, I once broke my wrist and it swelled up like crazy but my mum was like “It’s just a sprain, it’ll go down.” But eventually we went to the doctor’s, and like I thought, he said it was a break.
  12. The one time I actually celebrated New Year’s properly, I didn’t even do it with my own family.
  13. I will quite happily make a fool out of myself as long as I make people laugh whilst doing it.
  14. I hate the idea of getting married and being a parent. So I plan on doing neither.
  15. I want to: travel the world, become the author of at least three novels, become a fire-fighter, save someone’s life, buy an apartment in Australia, learn to speak Japanese, have my best friend become my roommate and become able to imitate Irish, Russian and Australian accents.
Yeah, I know I probably put a bit much in the last one, but to be honest I don’t care :P
Day 1 – Finished


  1. 16. Jammy is my favourite person ... :P Or is that just wishful thinking?

  2. What do ya know, ;) that actually was my 16th but the blog prompt allows only 15 things, sorry babe :P

  3. lol loveing 15 "to be able to imitate an irish accent" brilliant. well if we go to Ireland this year you might just beable to pick it up ;) lol x
